Jul 29, 2021 – MONEYFESTA21 x Sasha Pevak -> KitKap

Jul 29, 2021
Kit for Surviving Kapitalism
Would you like to try our new flavors, in exchange for a conversation? KitKap is a play of words that stands for “A Kit for Surviving Kapitalism”. Through a never-ending promo-campaign, it appeals to our sweet childhood memories: of the times when we all were growing up ingesting – and internalizing – capitalism.
Do 29.07.2021 | ab 12:30 | Meidlinger Hauptstraße, 1120
Fr 30.07.2021 | ab 12:30 | Museumsquartier, 1070
Sa 31.07.2021 | ab 12:30 | Karl-Marx-Hof, 1190

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